Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sunday Smile 2

My younger sister is in town, she came up for the weekend to see my other sister who has just had twins. Yes Kate has had twins - I will write all about that soon, with photos!

I fight a lot with Julia, but perhaps in a healthy sisterly way. I went to fetch her with my mom from the airport last night. It must have been at least 10 minutes before she told me to shut up and said " Good Lord! girl you are the absolute worst back seat driver I have ever met, shut up! They say sisters who fight don't become anorexic. How about if the fight is about one sister calling the other sister anorexic and telling everyone that she is, what then?

But Julia really is great, she kind of holds us all together as a family and makes things interesting and fun. My mom says it is because she makes an effort, asks what we are up to, and is interested in what we are doing - this I don't quite agree with, Julia interested in me? no not sure about that.

For along time she thought I was mad for wanting a boyfriend, infact I think she even said " Girl I think you are a little bit crazy why would you want a boyfriend? all men are bastards". Okay I know calling all men bastards is a little strong but sometimes if you see it from our point of view you might just agree with us.

So Julia claims she does not want a boyfriend - actually let me clarify that statement, She does not need a boyfriend, she likes her life quite how it is. She likes her friends, she likes her T.V she likes her flat, she is incredibly busy. (she is just finishing her final year before she becomes a real Doctor). This makes sense to me too, I don't need a boyfriend - I perhaps just want a boyfriend.

I felt it clearly when I went on a couple of dates during this past month, I realised that I just wanted to be appreciated by a man. (Of course not just any man the right one who makes me happy blah blah blah.)

So Julia is in town and she and Kate and my mom are going shopping this morning. Friday, which is a work day for me. So I kicked up a fuss as I am expected to do and now we are also going shopping on Saturday, to Rosebank and I am going to buy that really cute winter dressing gown it is grey has a zip and a hood.

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