Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Good news for people who love - The good times are killing me

A couple of weeks ago I went on 4 dates with a very nice guy. The last date ended kissing on his couch and making out. And then that was it, when I met him the next time he said he thought he was not actually ready for a relationship and that he was not yet over his ex-girlfriend. I translated that to mean even though we had had a great time he a) was just not that into me or b) he did not want a relationship with me. That is all fine and both the same thing, I tried to go into the dating with no expectations as is told in the book Its Just a Date.

Now the Book says the key to no expection dating is to date a couple of men at once this way you have a more reasonable outlook and there is less pressure for it to work out with guy A or B. The trick though is, it is hard enough to get one person to date you how are you going to more than that.

Take Care


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