Monday, May 11, 2009

Sunday Smile

I live in Johannesburg, a great city. There is no sea though and no significant amount of water. But that is okay there is still lots to do. I am mostly single. I am single today and I was single yesterday but I had a boyfriend at the end of February but sadly not at the beginning of March.

I heard the song Sunday Smile for the first time appropriately on a Sunday. I was waiting for this guy to phone. He promised he would call on Saturday and there was no phone call. It made me very anxious, so anxious in fact that I checked facebook in case he had contacted me there. But there was no message, instead there was a new post from him - this song Sunday Smile by Beruit. It was the music video which you can go watch on Youtube. Wow, it is so beautiful and it completely captivated me and inspired me, all those things. I watched it twice and found that I could download the song for free from the musicians own website ( I am pretty sure I don't believe in free downloads unless it is actually from the artist). I added it to my playlist.

Well this guy did phone me later that day on the Sunday, and it was the start of a great friendship and a romance. Which I have now put behind me and moved on from.

He broke up with me on the 1 March because we were not right for each other, something which I did not want to admit but I can now see is true. The song Sunday Smile reminds me of that first hopefull yet anxious Sunday.

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