Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A page

A page from my diary. In artschool we had to hand in our sketchbook every two weeks to be marked. I never did very well in drawing, sometimes I even received an F, most of the time I got D's and sometimes C's. But the Sketchbook was one thing I really enjoyed and I did well with it.

I started to combine my diary with my sketchbook and stopped drawing and started collecting things to stick in the book. This is my current book. I have been working on it for 2 years now, since I arrived in Joburg. It is nearly finished.

I had a bath last night. I felt lonely - even though I wasn't. I did not really know what to do with myself so I lay in the bath and thought about never getting out of it. The water started to get cold and I climbed out.

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