Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Voice of Africa

Last week I was driving a French film producer around the dodgy parts of Joburg. Not really difficult to find. He said he would email the name of a Mali Artist who is regarded to have the voice of Africa. I told him that would be just great because I am trying to build up the Best Playlist Ever, and the best voice of Africa would fit perfectly.

So I got paid quite nicely for driving the friendly Film producer around town and I saw parts of Joburg which I have never been to before. Like Tembisa. Which is apparently the largest township in South Africa.

Penny and I were in fine form on Friday night. She is my crew. We plan friday nights together and thursday nights and then we do breakfast at Service Station on either Saturday or Sunday. We like Service Station for coffee or breakfast because they have such a great atmosphere but also because they have really cute waiters. There is this one waiter who is really sweet looking but we can't work out why he waiting tables, perhaps he is a student doctor who is trying to pay his student fees and he also has a drug habit, or maybe he is a trader who lost all his money in the recession or maybe he is a lawyer who gives all his free time to helping needy children and therefore has to waiter on the weekend.

So Friday night I Penny and friends at our usual friday hangout - Xai Xai in Melville. Penny is telling the table how she is off to Durban to stay at the new guys parents house for the weekend. When I say new guy I mean very, very new guy - but he is nice and as I said she can't not go. So he is fetching her in the morning. We all discuss whether it is okay for her to have sex with him at his parents house. His plan is that they sleep in his room in a single bed. Penny says she is too big for a single bed - this means no sleep for her for the whole weekend.

Then it is my turn, I need everyone's opinion on an sms conversation I had recently so I read out the message I sent, then I read out the message I received then I read out the message i sent in reply and then the message I got back. Mark, the only guy at the table just says "I have got to get myself some guy friends" - no one had any good advice for me and my texting.

I spent Saturday playing with my sisters twins, they are still babies and I like them I could even say that I am completely in Love with them. We took some really beautiful photos of them which I look at during the day when I am a bit bored or need a distraction.

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