Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tip # 2: Text messaging boys

Second guessing your text message makes you look desperate.

Example 1:

Text to a guy "Oh how boring! Did not go on Sat cause got lame friends. Well enjoy"

Now if you do not get a reply and suddenly think maybe he was insulted cause you said Oh how boring. Then you realise maybe he thought you were calling him lame cause he also could not make it on sat - you cannot go back and send another message and say "not you! not calling you Lame!"

Example 2:

Text from a guy to a girl: "hey. you busy on sat want to go for coffee?"
If she does not reply in the next half an hour there are many reasons why, she could just be thinking of how to reply etc. So you cannot then text "Okay how about tea then!"

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